Haier Biomedical Pharmacy Fridges

Vaccine, Botox, Pharmacy fridge

Sometimes I have ex-rental HYC68 or 118 available.  They make an excellent wine fridge!

68 litre pharmacy fridge. Available for hire for the vaccine season. Read more.

HYC-68 or HYC-118 or HYC-130GD

I no longer recommend the double glazed glass door. Testing indicates the classic insulated or the new triple glazed door uses 23% of the energy of the double glazed glass door model! It's a no-brainer. Read test results here. We do have a triple glazed option at nearly the same price! The HYC130GD and others coming.
Other advantages: Less power usage. Less wear. Longer warmup during power failure. Faster recovery time.
These under counter models are 68,  118 & 130 litre capacity. The air is fan  circulated internally to maintain an even temperature distribution throughout within 3 deg of set point. In practice I measure temperature variation of the contents of +/- half a degree. Perfect for those valuable pharmaceuticals, vaccines or Botox.
Download brochures (But remember, 68 and 118, not glass): 68    118    130  
To give you an idea of size, this is what the 118 looks like with a bit of stuff in it.
Salient points:
  • Temperature range 2 to 8 degC
  • Multiple alarms. High/low, door open etc.
  • Auto-defrost
  • Min/max temperature recording in built in log.
  • HC free refrigerant
  • Excellent for pharmaceuticals
  • Excellent for Vaccines
  • HYC-68 Excellent for Botox

Contact info@haiermedical.co.nz or phone 0800 222 812